
Get Unstuck Almost Immediately

Marshall Goldsmith once said, “You are so busy being who you are, that you will never be who you could be. You could be more.”  Feeling stuck is depressing. You keep telling yourself that tomorrow will be different. The truth is you really believe that you’ll eat better, sleep better, get those devotions in, start

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develop in the dark (part 1)

Develop in the Dark (Part 1)

Wait. What?! You know the feeling—that moment when life seems to running smoothly, everything going as planned, and then… well, let’s just say it happens. It happens to the best of us, at the worst times. And if there’s one I’ve learned, it’s that because of it,  life rarely goes as planned. Living in Chicago

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In Too Deep

The radiant spring morning beautifully illuminated the world, yet my three-year-old daughter stood unusually still. It was a delightful day to say the least, and Alethea and I had walked out on our back porch to savor the sun. We lived in a pleasant neighborhood (contrary to the opinion of many), and for a young family braving the world, we had no

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In the Alley of Invaluable Discards

Have you ever felt completely inadequate? I have. In different situations. In multiple settings. More often than I’d like to admit. Someone once said, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” This nifty little adage was no more apparent than the day I dragged my missed-curfew-again self through the dimly lit dorm lounge at college. It was past midnight, so naturally I

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