
Mature Energy

Mature Energy “…To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less. That’s what I’m working so hard at day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.” Colossians 1:28-29 *Message Remix What a bundle of scriptural gems found here. Let’s unpack it… shall we? […]

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Hole vs Whole

Sadley, babies are sometimes born with a hole in their heart. This is a difficult thing for most parents because they love their children so much and wish they could help them. I’m sure any loving parent would switch hearts with their child if they could. Spiritually we are all born with a hole in

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< Letting Go of Church >

I’ve decided to let go of church… My mind drifts to Jonah, who ran from God because he feared telling the people about God’s judgement less they repent and and God relents his anger. Jonah’s pride would have been hurt. So he ran. God is so cool though, because after getting Jonah’s attention (through a

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Identity. It defines us. Gives us strength. Carries us on into who we become. If you could start from scratch and define who you are all over again how would you go about it. What would you see and work towards? At Praise Chapel Chicago we have a vision we are striving for. An end

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400 Years

So I was reading yesterday in the Bible and this one instance jumped out at me. I was reading in Luke 1 where Zacharias the Priest is doing his duties. As he enters the Holy place, an angel of God named Gabriel encounters him. Now what struck me as why this might be a powerful

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Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

I have been reading a book of late entitled, “The Gospel of Moses: What my Jewish Friends Taught Me About Jesus” by Athol Dickson. Wow… the author joins what is called the Chever Torah (Bible Study for Jews.) As a Christian, the author writes about how he was challenged to delve deep into his Christianity

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Getting Ready

Well, it sure has been awhile since my last post. A lot has happened since then, but here we are in the middle of October and we are gearing up to go to Chicago. Our house finally sold after a long time of waiting. YEAH! We are in the process of looking for employment and

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OUT OF CONTROL… not really

Okay… It’s that time, mid-January, where we find out if we are keeping our end of the New Year’s resolutions.I am eating slightly better. No exercise… Yet, but at least I’m thinking about it. This past week-end we had what was called a “World Changers rally” at our church. The president of our fellowship, Larry

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Next Year Will Be Different

Why is it that it is so hard to make resolutions. I can’t remember how many times this year I have vowed to myself to change this or change that and thru it all… nothing ever seems to change. Things like health and exercise should be a priority, but somehow time always falls short or

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New Church

Okay… So I admit, I am not the blogger I hoped to be. Anywho, I am in quite the transition stage right now as far as my life. In about 8 months I will be moving to Chicago to start a ministry there. I don’t know how it is all going to come together, but

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