J. Zack Williamson

Keith Green

If you’re a Christian and have never heard the story of Keith Green – this Sunday night you are in for treat. At small group we will be showing “Your Love Broke Through: The Keith Green Story.” Keith Green was a radical follower of Jesus Christ and his life is an inspiration to many. No

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Hearing From God?

Just returned from a conference in Kansas City. Tuesday night I was given the honor of sharing a message I felt God had put on my heart. It deals a bit with a previous blog series I wrote called Following Jesus. The brunt of the message has to do with hearing the voice of God

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Back To School

This week I found myself sitting in a classroom surrounded by young, ministry-bound college students thirteen years after I left the student lifestyle myself. I am currently taking two classes (M-W-F and T-TH) during my lunch break at Moody Bible Institute where I work full-time in the Public Relations department. It is really interesting learning

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The Water and the Wind

So I was walking during my lunch break the other day. It was one of those hot and humid days, an up-side of the bi-polar weather moods Chicago seems to have. Anyway, I passed a sprinkler watering some bushes in front of a condo building and I couldn’t resist putting my hand in the cool

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Dream for Life

Becky Loves Me was a band a couple of my friends were in during the early 90’s. They had a great line in one of their songs that went like this, “Sorry, Sir, I didn’t know you had to sell your dream… just to have a life.” It is easy for us to fall into

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WWJD: What Would Jesus Drive?

My first car was army green and was dubbed by my friends as “the Turtle” and was also affectionatly the “Green M&M”. The cool thing about that car was that it was a stick shift, very economical, got great gas mileage and was so easy to use. If you know anything about cars, stick shifts

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