Deathbed Regrets: Part 5/5

#1 “I wish I had written that book or put in that extra effort that would have helped more people or sung that song that I was created to sing. I wish I had lived my purpose and gone after my dreams.”

Allow me for a moment to throw some caution to the wind… Yes, it is important to go after these things and by all means one needs to put in the extra effort in order to die with no regrets. Regret will come in a different shape, though, if all we savor is the destination. The journey of life and faith holds many things along the way that make life interesting.

In the infamous words of Ferris Bueller, “If you don’t stop to look around once and awhile, you could miss it!”

This one I already know I am on the right path. Not there yet, but enjoying every second of it.

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