The Water and the Wind

So I was walking during my lunch break the other day. It was one of those hot and humid days, an up-side of the bi-polar weather moods Chicago seems to have. Anyway, I passed a sprinkler watering some bushes in front of a condo building and I couldn’t resist putting my hand in the cool spray. The water was incredibly refreshing.

After I passed by, I decided to wipe my wet hand on my forehead. Then, surprisingly, a breeze began to blow across the beads of water and I felt this cooling sensation run through my entire body. Nice.

Basking in the breeze, refreshed by the water and wind, I felt God whisper to my heart that the water was like the water of the Word. The wind was like the wind of the Spirit. Coupled togther they equaled refreshment and peace from the toil of the journey.

I realized the Lord was challenging me to saturate my mind even more with the Word so that when the wind of the Spirit blows in my life I will have peace and refreshment that only He can give.

Scripture says that a wise son labors during the harvest. The harvest can be a hot, humid place to work. As you labor in the Lord this season, take some time to just meditate on the scriptures and allow the Spirit of God to cool and refresh your soul.

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