Spiritual Bulimia

I was looking over a Xanga account I had a few years ago, as I was shutting it down and I came across an old post I thought was rather interesting. So, in the spirit of “Good Preachin’ Preacha!” I am going to republish here… enjoy 🙂

I heard a phrase recently that really stuck with me.
It was the phrase “Spiritual Bulimia.”

So many of us have this common illness.
It’s symptoms go something like this…

We go to church, Bible study, ministry, etc… we get fed. We take it all in. We actually enjoy eating the food of the Word and delight in God, but the moment we walk out the church doors, leave bible study, leave our Christian influences… we ‘PURGE’ the Word from our system. It’s called “binge and purge’

We do that so we can fit into the status quo. So our friends won’t notice we are gaining spiritual weight. The actual Hebrew word for weight is Kavod, or basically ‘glory’.

So we throw-up the Glory of God on our lives to fit in to the world standards.

Try meditating on that today w/o throwing up, mmmm’kay?

4 thoughts on “Spiritual Bulimia”

  1. Not a pleasant metaphor to contemplate but a necessary one none-the-less, eh? As with physical bulimia, denial of the existence of that problem is devastating in and of itself. So it is with Spiritual bulimia, denial is devastating. However difficult it may be, we have to be able to admit our spiritual bulimia in hopes that we might find healing. Excellent thoughts.

  2. Very Nicely Said!
    – I like that its short and to the point. Rings very true with many of us. thanks for those thoughts =)

  3. God began pouring into me this very thing as well as the concept spiritual anorexia (living off other people’s walks and finding fullness, eating just enough to get people off your back,etc…) while I was at Mercy Ministries dealing with both spiritual and physical disorders. Satan is so into messing with our thoughts, playing mind games with our destinies, and setting up systems where to leave would be deadly. People have to know we battle not with flesh and blood and its time to start understanding the armor God has given us to use to love the hell out of others and ourselves. Keep being that open vessel willing to be used to say what other NEED to hear.

    Oh, and Francis is a mighty man of God and an awesome worshipper. My brother in law and sister are church planters through Cornerstone in OH.

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