…on the Bright Side

I saw something really strange yesterday. On my way home from work, I noticed a woman on a bicycle stopped at a red light putting on make-up. We have all seen some lady in her car at a red light applying lipstick, but this blew me away. Talk about a multi-tasker! It got even better when I noticed that she was using her sunglasses as a mirror. Way to be resourceful with what you got, lady.

Sometimes it’s easy to look over with envy at someone next to you who seems to have it all. This woman on the bike could have very easily been bitter that she didn’t have a car with a mirror, but instead she seemed to happily make due with what she had. For her, there is a lot less overhead expense, the wind doubles as a hair dryer, she is helping the environment, she is getting a good workout, and she most likely isn’t going to get honked at for not going when the light turns green by that impatient guy that follows us all around here in Chicago.

There is a bright side to everything… sometimes we just have to “look in the shadows” to find it (as a friend recently told me).

2 thoughts on “…on the Bright Side”

  1. Hey,
    Randomness but I love your profile. I think its very interesting. And I also noticed that you have read Velvit Elvis – Excellent Book no?

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