Desperate Wedding

So I heard recently about this strange vow that some people make with one another. They make a pact with each other that if they are not married by a certain age then they will get married to one another. Sounds crazy, right? Well, there actually are people out there that have made it work, but few and far between ever follow through with this kind of commitment.

Believe it or not, people do this to God all the time. It might not sound exactly like, “Jesus, if I don’t have a God by age 30, then I’ll serve you!” but they make the same sort of “vow” with words like “I haven’t lived it up enough yet to give my heart to God. Maybe when I get older I’ll think about it.”

They say this because they believe Jesus will take all their “fun” away. Sadly, these people rarely make good on their vow to faith. They are too busy looking for other loves. Better loves. Most often, the only love they end up with in the end is the love of themselves, which turns out empty.

When someone lives for only himself or herself in search of “living life to the fullest” they miss the true life right before them. Jesus said, “I have come so that they may have life, and have it to the fullest,” and “anyone who seeks to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake will find it.”

The one thing we will all think about right before we die, if we have the chance, will not be about how we should have partied more. It will be how well did we love, serve and give to others building relationships and memories that far outlive us. That’s how Jesus taught us to live. No coincidence. He knows us. He knows what we need to experience full life. He knows selfishness is not the answer to a full life.

Getting married to someone is no light thing, but it should be with someone who you would be willing to give your life for. It is the opposite of selfishness and yet, makes you feel more alive than you could feel alone!

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