
Identity. It defines us. Gives us strength. Carries us on into who we become.

If you could start from scratch and define who you are all over again how would you go about it. What would you see and work towards?

At Praise Chapel Chicago we have a vision we are striving for. An end result so to speak that encaptures the heart of this ministry. The road ahead of us….

We see a people that want to be whole hearted followers of Jesus. Followers that are willing to become a holy rebellion. That don’t just pose on Sundays, but reflect Jesus on their jobs, at home, in relationships.

We see a place of worship where conversation and relationship flourish. Where discipleship is DNA and an natural, organic byproduct of this ‘Jesus’ way of living.

It’s a place where all are accepted, yet truth is spoken in love. That truth comes from searching the scriptures and aligning our life to it. Not just reading the Word, but allowing the Word to read us.

Could this look like a coffeehouse? Could it host a music studio? Could have an artshow? Could it be a concert venue? Could it be a community? Could it reproduce? Could it make a difference? … the answer is yes.

…but it what it looks like most is found in the mirror, because without what you see -there is no church.

To those that can embody the vision … love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself a call rings out to you this day… Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you want to be a part of something great!

It’s time to put the ‘i’ in ‘v_sion’ -Bring it to life. Put flesh and blood on it.

Consider joining this holy rebellion and find out where the narrow road leads.

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