400 Years

So I was reading yesterday in the Bible and this one instance jumped out at me. I was reading in Luke 1 where Zacharias the Priest is doing his duties. As he enters the Holy place, an angel of God named Gabriel encounters him. Now what struck me as why this might be a powerful moment was not just the fact that angels don’t typically appear to people and talk (unless of course you are a regular on daytime talk shows,) but that it had been four hundred years since God even spoke at all to his people.

400 YEARS! Now after that you might say that God has gone mute, or silent or just gave up on humanity… but in that moment God again steps on the scene right where he left off in the book of Malachi -full of power, love and faithfulness.

He was not mad. He wasn’t holding a grudge. He actually was closer than ever as He was about to put on some dust and dwell among us. His love was full and oozing on humanity at that moment.

In our life, sometimes we find that God is silent.
“What have we done wrong?”
“Why does God reject me?”

But maybe, just maybe if we believe in the bleakest moment when it seems like 400 years have gone by and NOTHING… GOD will charge the space around us with His oozing love and say,

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