New Year, Same You? How to Reinvent Yourself in 2024

There’s an interesting term that has gained a slew of popularity over the past few years: quiet quitting.

 To “quietly quit” is doing the bare minimum required to earn your paycheck. It’s never going above and beyond the call of duty because, frankly, there’s no emotional or intellectual buy-in to motivate you to do so.

Now I’m not advocating one way or the other on this as it relates to your employment. You have the freedom to do whatever is best for your life, but let me ask you this…


For example, mismanaged time. 

You say you don’t have time to learn that new language, grow that skill, or experiment with side income, but are you doom-scrolling social media or binge-watching series after series? I’m guilty of this. More often than not, it takes me about as long just to pick a movie to watch as it does to actually watch the movie. My family calls it movie disease 🫣. But even I must face the hard truth that vicariously living someone else’s story in a movie or on social media will only delay me from living my own. 

The truth is when you become more emotionally and intellectually invested in the person you want to become than you are for the latest distraction, you can quietly quit the things that no longer serve you and invest your time into the things that do. 

Don’t let another year go by quietly quitting (doing the bare minimum toward) the life you want. There is a future you that calls you every day and invites you to become more of the person you want to be. Don’t let lesser things hold you back from that. 

Start thinking about the things that keep you stuck (e.g., mismanaged time, unhealthy relationships, environments designed to keep you lazy, etc.) and plan to “quietly quit” them in the year ahead. Make the decision now to give them nothing or only the bare minimum so you can re-invest that time and energy in the life you truly want. 

ENCOURAGED? 👉 Let me know how you are going to quietly quit in 2024 in the comments below.

[Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash]

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