Deathbed Regrets: Part 1/5

In a recent Maximized Living newsletter, Dr. Ben Lerner listed the “Top 5 Deathbed Regrets.” As I read over them, I thought it might be a good idea to personalize each one, so here we go…

#5 “I wish I had spent less time on my job and more with my family.”

This is one that seems nice in theory, but in actuality is a pretty hard one to accomplish. I find it ironic that most people who work to live, end up living to work. The daily grind is not easily escaped, especially since it is a necessity to support a family in today’s economy. So how would one, or should I say I, go about my life as to avoid this deathbed woe?

When time is tight because of work or other obligations maybe a key to this one would be “meaning in the moments.” This is something I know I could be more intentional in. When I have time and moments with my family I should probably ask myself how to make this the most meaningful. That doesn’t mean expensive. It doesn’t mean extravagant. It might simple mean that kiss on the forehead and prayer as I tuck my girls in to sleep at night. It might mean that grocery list gets split up and a scavenger hunt ensues for the lowest priced merchandise in the best time. It might mean turning the computer off and setting something demanding aside to eat dinner together with my family. Maybe it’s being “fully present” in a conversation with my wife or kids. Overall, the term “meaning in the moment” seems to best describe what I am trying to say.

Most of us have to work to make ends meet, so let’s make the most of every moment we are given with our families and create memories we will never regret.

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