Carpe Diem

Fear is a strange thing. It can often motivate an otherwise rational person to things that could be considered, well …irrational. It can keep a person from experiencing things that are otherwise thrilling, eye opening or things that just make life a bit easier.

Consider Joe. Joe got invited to a all expense paid trip overseas, but he afraid to fly. Now he could take a boat, but he is afraid of those. Swimming is out of the question – sharks. Not to mention Joe can’t even get to the airport anyways because he is afraid to drive. He might be able to walk except he is afraid of getting sunburn. Joe would order sunscreen online, but he is afraid of identity theft. He could have his wife order it, if he hadn’t been so scared of committment that he chickened out and never got married. Heck joe never even asked her out because he was afraid of rejection. I guess Joe will have to pass on the vacation.

If we allow the fear of anything to dominate our thinking, we will never experience the freedom, beauty and life that God intended for us. We will always stay where it is comfortable. We will never see breathtaking views from an airplane. We will never travel anywhere new. We might not even drive. We might never ask someone to marry us. We possibly will never have kids. We probably will never pour out our hearts to someone we love. We will never take risks. We will never commit to anything. We will never really live life to the fullest.

Jesus said in John 10:10 (NIV), “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Don’t let your life be robbed by fear… trust in Jesus and seize the day!

Carpe Diem.

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