You Are Worth Dying For

This week we opened up our new outreach campaign.

Consider it the Good News of the Gospel.

As followers of Jesus, we don’t want to be “salesmen/women” of our faith, but rather representatives of a loving God to this broken world.

As we hand out business card sized flyers to others that say [ you are worth dying for ] on the front and [ find out why ] with our logo and website on the back it helps change our perspective. No longer can we just hand out a flyer without thinking about what it means to be a servant to others. The card itself forces us to identify with Christ by loving others to the point of our own personal discomfort and understand more of what that means to really be the church Jesus had in mind.

It’s not a marketing campaign or slogan. It’s more of a manifesto for each person who truly wants to follow Christ in every part of their lives. It’s a call to action. It’s a Revolution of Love!

ADVISORY: Not for the lukewarm.

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